Club Presentation Day

21 Feb by Sue Murray

Berwick Flames Club Presentation Day.
All existing team players will receive a participation trophy or medal.

Other special awards will be presented during the day and our annual AGM will be held in the middle of the two sessions.

We would love to see you all there 🔥

We have split the presentation day into
2 x sessions.

The teams in the first session can arrive anytime from 10.00am and stay as long as they like and use all of the the facilities available but must vacate the premises by 1.45pm.

The teams in the second session can arrive from 1.45pm and stay as long as they like and use all of the facilities available but must vacate the premises by 4.00pm.

There is plenty of fun to be had by all 🏀

Please ensure you arrive ON TIME for your teams presentation.

Food and drink available to purchase from the Ball360 cafe 🌭🍟🍦🥧🥤🧋☕️

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